Country Hill International hereby announces the Food Safety Policy for the company. Our Food Safety policy is based on credible and transparent processes with emphasis on the importance of a high level of food safety & open communication with our customers.
This policy reaffirms our commitment to Food Safety through the application of all relevant legislation and approved codes of practice. These are based on international standards, regulatory requirements, and industry best practices implemented within our business and the wider environment in which we operate.
CHI Warehouse & Production’s management recognizes and accepts its responsibility for providing a safe and healthy environment for the repacking, production, packing of value-added meat products. Food Safety Policy statement is an expression of the management’s commitment to food safety
We are committed to meet all the requirements of our customers as well as local regulatory and statutory bodies. CHI operations are aligned with the principles & guidelines of universally accepted Codex Alimentarius & FSSC 22000 standard which offer food sector a way to manage food safety.
The policy sets out the aims and objectives of CHI and outlines responsibilities for managing food safety risks.
This system implements thorough analysis of processes steps and identifies the critical areas in need of proper controls, monitoring and verification to keep food safe throughout the food chain.
We build a quality and food safety capability, mindset and culture through structured programmes that develop employees’ competencies and technical skills, increase awareness, manage risk and drive increasing levels of excellence across the organisation.
We apply a risk assessment methodology, aligned with the context in which we operate, to facilitate our ability to achieve quality and food safety management system objectives and continually improve.
We closely monitor the food fraud activities that can occur with our business and take necessary measures to control threats in order to achieve safe food culture.
We review the policy annually for continued suitability to the business and changing trends, technology and products.
Food safety policy is communicated to all levels of CHI and externally, they understand and adhere to the requirements.